Allard USA, Rockaway, NJ, reports that it has launched a national team comprised of seven men and women with foot drop joining team captain Beth Deloria, Greensboro, NC, to form TeamUP. According to a recent news release, each team member faces paralysis in one or both of their legs as a result of their condition. The release also notes that each use the carbon fiber orthotic device to overcome their limited mobility. Members selected nationwide include Barbie Barnett, Naperville, Ill, Craig Vogtsberger; Traverse City, Mich; Darren Smith, Camas, Wash; Jill Walsh, Jamesville, NY; Rod Fulmer of McDonough, Ga; Shannon Poortenga, Kalamazoo, Mich; and Virginia Mamone, Las Vegas, Nev.
Team captain Deloria is a marathon runner sidelined in 2004 following a spinal injury that resulted in foot drop. After using Allard’s TOEOFF brace, Deloria reportedly began running 48 in marathons in 24 months in an effort to bring greater awareness to foot drop and to inspire others with the condition. The company notes that TeamUP represents a variety of different causes of foot drop, including Charot-Marie-Tooth disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), FSHD Muscular Dystrophy, and spinal injury.
Deloria emphasizes that while each member of the team faces a range of conditions and challenges, we all share foot drop which has the potential to limit our mobility. We want to encourage others not to let foot drop steal their quality of life. Together, we are demonstrating what is possible,” Deloria says.
The release reports that TeamUP’s inaugural event was April 6 during the Greensboro BB&T Gate City Half Marathon and 8k, where it was honored as an “elite” attendee.
To learn more about TeamUP’s efforts, click here.
Source: Allard USA