February 26, 2007
The Coding Institute, Naples, Fla, is sponsoring the Physical Medicine & Rehab Billing and Reimbursement Conference March 25-27 in Orlando, Fla, with nationally recognized experts Marvel J. Hammer, RN, BS, CPC, CCS-P, ASC-PM, CHCO and Rick Gawenda, PT. The conference will focus on the intricacies of physiatry and therapy billing, coding and reimbursement. Attendees will have an opportunity to solidify billing skills and explore other areas including the following: Coding & Billing for Office based PM&R Injections; Coding & Billing for Auto and Workers Compensation Claims; Understanding the Acronyms of Neuromuscular Electrodiagnostic Testing; Compliant Coding for EMG & NCS; Understanding CCI Edits for Accurate Therapy Billing and Reimbursement; Billing and Medicare’s "8-Minute" Rule; Untimed Therapy Interventions; Documentation Essentials to Ensure You’re Paid.
For information call 866-251-3060 or for a full agenda visit www.codingconferences.com