A letter to readers displayed on the United Nations Enable Web site, the official site of the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (SCRPD), the Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD), and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) at the United Nations Secretariat, spotlights the recent inclusion of disability in the Rio+20 Outcome Document. According to the UN, the document is the result of the organizations’ efforts in advocacy and partnership targeting disability-inclusive development in the work of the UN and beyond.
According to the letter, the Rio+20 Outcome Document contains five specific references to disability, one of which emphasizes the responsibilities of States to respect, protect, and promote human rights and fundamental freedom for all, a second highlights the affirmation of green economy polices in the context that sustainable development and poverty eradication should enhance the welfare of persons with disabilities, another spotlights the need to commit to promoting sustainable development policies that support inclusive housing and social services to provide a safe and health living environment for all, particularly individuals with disability. The references also call for participation and access to information and judicial and administrative proceeding for the promotion of sustainable development and emphasize the need to ensure equal access to education for all individuals with disabilities.
The letter encourages readers to take the appropriate measures to help translate the complete list of commitments into specific actions by governments and all stakeholders in the international community in order to ensure that individuals with disabilities have their rights, needs, and concerns included in sustainable development policies and practices worldwide.
To learn more and read the RIO+20 Document in its entirety, click here.
Source: United Nations Enable