The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) will conduct a 3-day workshop at the APTA Headquarters in Alexandria, Va. from July 24 to 26. The workshop aims to support sections in the development of evidence-based documents, such as clinical practice appraisals (CPAs) and clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). The APTA news release notes that the development of CPAs and CPGs “supports evidence-based physical therapist practice and helps improve the effectiveness of care for patients.”
According to the news release, the workshop will provide skills, knowledge, and tools for both beginner and advanced members to learn to develop evidence-based documents. For the workshop objectives, at the end of the meeting the attendees will be able to do several things, including contrast the critical components of clinical practice guidelines with other evidence based documents and contrast the processes for developing clinical practice guidelines and appraisals/summaries.
Sections are asked to nominate members who are interested in working as a team to develop CPGs /CPAs in their area of clinical practice, and sections that do not currently have an identified team or topic are encouraged to nominate a representative to better understand the process of developing these. Teams are encouraged to define a key topic or clinical question that they would like to address with an evidence-based document.
Individual members not presently working with a team and are interested in attending the workshop should contact their section to discuss forming a team or joining an existing one. For additional information on this event and for nomination information, visit the event page.
Source: APTA