Workers’ Comp provider One Call Care Management is partnering with third-party administrator Broadspire to develop a customized patient-centric amputee program.
The amputee program aims to benefit not only existing amputees requiring a replacement prosthetic, but also injured workers with recent amputations requiring a holistic review process and access to best-in-care providers.
Within the program, an American Board Certified Prosthetist will assist in validating recommendations to support providers and injured workers with selecting the most suitable prosthetic based on each individual’s level of function, notes a media release from One Call.
“One Call’s 360 degree review process for injured workers—from discharge through recovery, to establishing return to work goals and functional independent outcomes—in combination with our premier network of rehabilitation hospitals, provides healthier outcomes for our injured workers and savings for our payers,” says Will Smith, chief product officer at One Call, in the release.
[Source(s): One Call Care Management, Business Wire]